We have been counseled to build a 3-month supply of food that is part of our normal diet and to gradually build a longer-term supply of basic foods that will sustain life. This program is designed to help you acquire your food storage a little at a time. The goal of the program is, at the end of 12 months of participation, you will have acquired a balanced 3-month supply of basic food storage items. As you continue in the program, you will layer another 3 months to increase your sustainability. Cooking classes will demonstrate how to prepare the food and encourage regular usage which will help to rotate your supplies. You are certainly encouraged to supplement your storage with food that is part of your normal diet and to add other items such as water, first aid, heat sources, etc.
Below is the schedule of product that will be made available in this program. The products listed for each month will be available to order from the first of that month until the twelfth of that month.
Click on the product to place an order.
Click on the product to place an order.
2013 | Product | |
Jun | Wheat | |
Jul | Rice | |
Aug | Onions / Carrots | |
Sep | Milk | |
Oct | Beans | |
Nov | Wheat | |
Dec | Coco / Fruit Drink / Pancake Mix | |
2014 | Product | |
Jan | Flour | |
Feb | Oats / Apple Slices | |
Mar | Sugar | |
Apr | Macaroni / Spaghetti | |
May | Potato Flakes (Pearls) |